Monday, October 8, 2007

Sister Crow Rants...More fun than a Rave.

Who you know is often more important than what you know.
But what about who knows what about whom? Specifically, you?
Is the power of knowledge greater than that of human interaction?
The spread of information ties us to our desks.
We talk to our families by clicking squares with our finger tips.
The last person I asked for help was Jeeves.
Who was the last person you spoke to face to face?
Was the information from that conversation equal to the information you last got from Google?
People are living out their lives in a simulated reality, interaction with artificials as pertinent as interaction with other human backed avatars (hba), conversations in virtual pubs, virtual drugs, advertisements the only connection to, the only hint of, the real world where their imperfect bodies demand real food, and real oxygen. What of real human affection, touch, conflict, passion, despair?
Those who do not know, perhaps know more. Supply and demand predicates value. Information is supplied readily to any who cares to demand with the click of a mouse.
The economic value of knowledge was once power. Information was for the privileged.
Information is now available to most, depreciating the power to a nine volt surge on the tip of one's tongue.
The populace is flooded with information. The shipment of human contact is running short. With a good search, anyone could learn my name, birth date, ss#, financial standing, home town, shopping patterns, marital status, nicknames, and genealogical ancestry. From this one could deduce my likes, shoe size, medical predispositions to afflictions, dislikes and vices. But with all this information, one still cannot know me. One cannot know the depth of my compassion, the heat of my temper, the ambitions of my soul, the tingle of my touch, the trigger to my laughter, the passion of my vision. With knowledge, one could steal from me, become me, and con me. The power, however, is in knowing me. Or you.
Who do you know? Who knows you truly? Who do you hold? Who holds your leash? Who do you talk to when you have nothing to say? Whose pointless ranting would you listen to all day?
It's not so much what you know that's important. Human interaction is in short supply. Demand something real. Reality is worth living. Hugs are worth giving.

*All of this was written while sitting in front of my computer rather than talking to the one I know..... there's something to be said for taking one's own advice. This rant is over.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Landing Safe

If you are always given what you want,
you will never have what you need.

The best part about flying off the handle,
is landing safe.

When you always jump in head first without first looking down,
you never expect not to know where you've landed.

But sometimes, you can accept what's been given.
And often times, flying off the handle results in a crash.
And the last time you jump without knowing where you shall land,
you won't be alive to know you've landed at all.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Self Design

Not perfect, but perfectly designed
body soul and mind
laid out with precision.
A life planned imperceptible to most
Never dependent always the host.
Permission never asked, no need to be granted.
Ideas and thoughts original, never planted.
Automatic and impulsive.
Living just to live.
Giving just to give.
Loving just for fun.
Always on the run.

Optimistic to a fault.
Learned but not taught.
Happy just to be.
Knowing wholly all of me.

The changes were slow. The changes were slight.
Yet, they happened over night.
Goals forgotten, amended laws of right.
Accepting good enough from all else,
its all good;
No longer demanding perfection of self,
I cannot, but I could.

A stranger stares back from a mirror of revelation
bounce from horror to elation
and back again.
The edges of self worn too thin.
What was can never be
acceptance of self negates once was me.

Perfecting this stranger impossible dreams
knowing life really is only what it seems.

Living in a shadow of lust.
Giving because I must.
Loving for love; it's fun still
On the run can kill
but banality definitely will.

Pessimism my biggest fault.
Learning all I'm being taught.
Struggling just to be.
Hoping this version is a good enough me.

Watching what others observe
Calculating what I deserve
Weigh and measure.
Obey and pleasure.
Hoping for acceptance

Destroyed by one glance.
Smile because I still dance.
Thankful for my Chance.
Strong enough still to hold my stance
when not run through by self doubt's lance.

Not perfect, but perfectly designed.
The power has been realigned.