Thursday, July 10, 2008


Enough said-- go to bed. Cause with you and me,
it's whatever-- no it's nothing-- it can't be, see.
Nothing fits in the in between spaces--its part of the design.
There's nothing between you and me, us, we.

Words, deeds, desires, needs, mischief, evil, bad, bad notions.
Arguments imagined or battles exploded in the confines of a few spare moments.
Essentially, every bit is irrelevant, already outdated, only disguised as complicated.
Painted up big to strain the market's limits, like a new car off the lot depreciated.

Cause little can touch us, and nothing gets in, friend.
It only suffers self inflicted harm, but that's the charm, don't you agree?
Building up or back possibility with each moment passing into history
more to know, more to connect, more to understand, learn and reflect

Respect, strength, support, trust
the necessities of survival
Love, laughter, dependence, lust
the fuel for revival.

So, whatever its appearance, manifestation, threat,
It can go wherever except the one place it just can't get.
So there's nothing between us, you and me, but elements of we, see?

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